Counselling Services
About Dr. Sandra de Blois

Unlike most professionals offering PTSD treatments, Sandra was actually a patient herself once. She wrote about how An Accident Lead me to Dedicate my Life to PTSD Treatment.
Sandra is a mental health counsellor who specializes in treating people with PTSD, depression, anxiety, complex grief and phobias. With a decade of professional experience, she integrates her extensive education and training to improve the lives of her clients. When she learned about Reconsolidation Therapy™, she immediately foresaw the difference it would make in her clients’ lives. She has been using this therapy since 2019 and has not been disappointed with her results! With high success rate in such a short amount of time and no relapse, Reconsolidation Therapy – Brunet Method is changing the way people recover.
Dr. de Blois works with clients 16 years or older. She offers other treatments for clients who choose not to receive reconsolidation therapy or who are not good candidates for it.
Keep The Memory, Lose The Suffering
Program Intro
The therapy can be done in-person or online, either in English or in French. On the first treatment day, you will write the story of what happened to you. On subsequent treatments, you will simply read your story out loud, and only once. One hour before treatments, you will take a safe blood pressure lowering medication. Your symptoms will be closely assessed using a standardized questionnaire on every treatment sessions. Over 70% of people who have taken Reconsolidation Therapy – Brunet Method have recovered within 6 sessions or less!
process people will go through
Trauma Treatment
The PTSD therapy goes through the process outlined below.
My Recon Therapy begins with a thorough clinical evaluation that lasts 90 minutes. We’ll go through your trauma history and the nature of your current symptoms. We’ll then look at different factors that may interfere with your response to the treatment.
Should you decide to receive the therapy, you will be given information to bring to your doctor in order to receive a prescription for the blood pressure lowering medication “Propranolol”. Propranolol has been on the market since the 1960s and is taken by millions of people everyday.
6 Sessions
Following your clinical evaluation, you will receive 6 Reconsolidation Therapy™ sessions . Sometimes fewer sessions are needed! The treatment sessions are spaced one week apart. Your traumatic memory will be reactivated during each treatment session through a simple exposure to your trauma story.
Symptoms Subside
We will carefully measure your PTSD symptoms on every session. Gradually, over the six treatment sessions, the Propranolol will block the reconsolidation of the emotional strength of your memory and as a result, your PTSD symptoms will subside.
Finally, we will meet one more time after your last Reconsolidation Therapy™ treatment. We will summarize the findings, assess the efficacy of the treatment and determine whether other therapeutic interventions are needed.
Trauma Therapy
Sign Up For Trauma Treatment
Session 1
90-minute intake + assessment of PTSD symptoms Decision to undergo Reconsolidation Therapy ™
Sessions 2-8
6 weekly treatment sessions of thepary. 1 closure session – Assessment of therapy results, further treatment needs, future direction.
$190 per session
Too many people continue to struggle with PTSD symptoms after months or even years of therapy. After having spent thousands of dollars, they are left disillusioned and the extent of their improvement can be summarized as having learned to cope with their symptoms.
With My Recon Therapy, in less than 2 months, you can experience long-lasting relief from your painful emotional memories.
Still not sure if this Trauma Therapy program is for you? Call me at 506-999-1822 to schedule a 20 minutes FREE consultation on what path you should take!
mental health improvement
Trauma Relief Testimonials
Reconsolidation Therapy™ has already helped hundreds of people living with PTSD and other disorders associated with painful memories! This Therapy has changed their lives for the better. Read what my clients have to say about the treatment.
I had the opportunity to have Sandra de Bois treat me with Reconsolidation Therapy. It was to me a huge success. I no longer stress about the call that had my life on hold with stress and daymares. I was doubtful about the treatment at the start thinking that living through the call after taking propranolol just prior to would have little affect. It worked I feel that the PTSD has abated and I feel much more content and free of PTSD symptoms.
During the Reconsolidation Therapy a ugly phobia to sirens showed itself. The sirens wound me up emotionally with high anxiety and fear to the point of crying and trembling. Sandra used another type of treatment with the same drug, propranolol but it required exposure to sirens to the maximum intensity I could endure and then take the pill. 24 ours later I was re exposed to the sirens, I had no emotion, feelings anxiety or reaction of any sort to the sirens, what a relief.
Thank you Sandra, you have given me a better life.
Kathy Ireson
My experience seeing Sandra for PTSD therapy was very good. I learned to use mindfulness to improve my symptoms. The mindfulness helped me a lot with my catastrophic thinking and my anxiety. I also received equine-assisted therapy which I found very useful to help me manage my anger. The horses also helped me regain my self-confidence and my self-esteem. Sandra is very authentic and she really cares about helping people. I liked how she helped me understand what happens in our brain when we have PTSD. It made me feel like I was not crazy after all! I see that she is using a new therapy for PTSD and it doesn’t surprise me because she often mentioned new treatments she read about. I’m sure she will be able to help a lot of people.
E. B.
I had therapy with Dr. de Blois 3 years ago to help me recover from bullying at work. I had no self-esteem left and I could not imagine going back to work ever again. I had insomnia and I was diagnosed with major depression. Dr. de Blois helped me tremendously. She is easy to talk to and very knowledgeable. I felt there was a future for me and within 6 months I was back at work. I highly recommend her services.
Jody M.
When Reconsolidation Therapy was suggested to me as a form of treatment I thought its process was way too simplistic to be of any assistance. However, traditional counselling methods were not helping and actually seemed to be making things worse. Surprisingly after only six sessions this new therapy took an extremely traumatic memory of an event that I was constantly reliving and transformed it into a way I never thought possible. I went from experiencing extreme anxiety and emotional overload from the flashbacks of this memory to the complete opposite. Now I can think about the event without having a huge emotional reaction. The event is more like a memory from an unpleasant dream now. I am very thankful that this therapy was recommended as I can finally let go of a piece of my past and move onto bettering my future
I first saw Sandra lost, broken and with overwhelming inner turmoil. I felt I would never get out of the dark hole of utter despair. I came to her in a very very difficult time in my life, which was triggering my toxic childhood trauma. After the first session I felt very supported and validated, for the first time in my life. She gave me balance, clarity and strength to stand in my truth! She helped me sort out my feelings and gain control over my life once again. Her passion for First Nations culture and knowledge was amazing. Eventually, Sandra proposed to help me heal from childhood traumatic events using Reconsolidation Therapy. This therapy changed my life! I only needed 5 Reconsolidation treatment sessions for my traumatic memory to be transformed so that I don’t constantly relive it and have nightmares about it. I now have less anxiety about the future, less depression about the past. I now live in the moment, which is a wonderful place to be. I am amazed and shocked at how well this therapy works! I highly recommend this therapy. Thank you, Sandra. Thank you!
J. B.