Treatment History
Treatment Background
PTSD is a mental health disorder that can develop after someone experiences a traumatic event. Examples of traumatic events are natural disasters such as wildfires and floods, motor vehicle accidents, aggressions, sexual violence, wars and terrorist attacks. PTSD may also develop through witnessing a traumatic event or learning that the event happened to a close relative or a friend. Those suffering with PTSD experience overwhelming emotional responses when confronted with traumatic memories or reminders of their trauma. As a result, they spend much energy avoiding these memories and reminders. Other common symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia, irritability, hypervigilance and difficulty experiencing positive emotions.
Other conditions can be treated with Reconsolidation therapy. Complicated grief can be conceptualized as “post-lost stress disorder”. It is characterized by persistent longing for and persistent preoccupation with the deceased, difficulty accepting the death, intense emotional pain such as sadness, anger and guilt after one year following the death. Some cases of adjustement disorders are also successfully treated with Reconsolidation therapy – Brunet Method. A prime example is betrayal in romantic relationships. An adjustment disorder refers to symptoms stemming from excessive reactions to stressful events such as negative thoughts, strong emotions and changes in behavior. The reactions to the event are much more intense than would typically be expected.
Finally, specific phobias are easily ammenable to reconsolidation treatment. Phobias involve fear or anxiety that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by a specific object or situation. There are many different types of phobias. Examples are fear of heights, enclosed space, spiders, snakes, germs, water, needles, and blood. Dr. de Blois treats phobias using a specific protocol developed by Dr. Merel Kindt at the University of Amsterdam. Phobias cannot be. treated through video-counselling.
Typical PTSD treatments are a combination of antidepressant medication with cognitive behavioral therapy. Sadly, 33% of PTSD sufferers prescribed medication discontinue their use because of unwanted side effects. Furthermore, of those benefiting from psychotherapy, half will relapse one year later and continue to experience the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.
Reconsolidation Therapy™ (Brunet Method) is a groundbreaking treatment for PTSD that integrates psychology and physiology to permanently alleviate the suffering brought on by traumatic memories. Developed by Dr. Alain Brunet, a psychiatry professor at McGill University, this revolutionary treatment has helped hundreds of people and gives hope to millions around the world who are currently suffering from trauma-related disorders. Reconsolidation Therapy™ uses a combination of therapy sessions and a safe blood pressure lowering medication to gradually and sustainably reduce the emotional pain associated with traumatic memories, all the while keeping the memories intact. Symptoms of PTSD subside once the memory no long elicits strong emotions upon recall.
Reconsolidation Therapy – Brunet Method is recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association, l’Ordre des psychologues du Quebec and the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals.
Changing The Way You Feel
About Dr. Sandra de Blois

Dr. Sandra de Blois is a mental health counsellor who specializes in treating people who struggle with conditions that all have in common painful or traumatic memories (ex.: PTSD, complex grief, phobias). With a decade of professional experience, Dr. de Blois integrates her extensive education and training to improve the lives of her clients. When she learned about Reconsolidation Therapy™ , she immediately foresaw the difference it would make in her clients’ lives. With high success rate achieved in such a short amount of time, Reconsolidation Therapy – Brunet Method is changing the way people recover.

Compared to conventional PTSD treatment, Reconsolidation Therapy ™ is completed in 6 weekly treatment sessions, with many patients experiencing the benefits in less time!

Reconsolidation Therapy ™ has a 70% success rate, without the use of lengthy therapies or antidepressant medications.

Reconsolidation Therapy ™ is quick, which saves you time and money in the long-run!

There is a very small relapse rate! Unfortunately, traditional treatment can see relapse rates as high as 50% within one year, Reconsolidation Therapy ™ is safe and sees long-lasting results.

Through a combination of therapy and safe blood pressure lowering medication, Reconsolidation Therapy ™ helps with the psychological and physiological symptoms of PTSD.

The benefits of Reconsolidation Therapy ™ are backed through rigorous research and clinical practice. The discovery of memory reconsolidation in the field of neuroscience has led to a new and highly effective treatment for trauma related disorders.
Changing The Way You Heal
Reconsolidation Therapy
Reconsolidation Therapy ™ allows you to keep your memories but lose your suffering. It takes advantage of recent discoveries in the field of neuroscience. When a memory is recalled, it enters a stage where it is fragile and can be manipulated. This is called the reconsolidation period. During therapy, reconsolidation of the high emotional intensity of the memory is blocked. The memory itself remains but with every session it is re-stored with less emotional strength.
Heal from your home
Video Counselling
Sandra offers video-counselling to ensure everyone gets the care they need. When scheduling your first appointment, you will receive an email with a link to a Zoom meeting. Click the invite link or copy and paste the link into a web browser. The web browser will redirect you to the launch meeting page.
For obvious reasons, video-counselling cannot be used to treat phobias. Exposure to the phobic object needs to take place in Dr. de Blois’ office.
Reconsolidate Your Memories
Program Sign Up
Session 1
90-minute intake + assessment of PTSD symptoms
Decision to undergo Reconsolidation Therapy ™
Sessions 2-8
6 weekly treatment sessions of thepary. 1 closure session – Assessment of therapy results, further treatment needs, future direction.
$150 per session
Within 2 months or less you can experience permanent relief from your painful traumatic memory.
Reconsolidation Therapy is a proven treatment for PTSD as well as other psychiatric disorders brought on by trauma and painful emotional memories, such as depression, persistent complex bereavement disorder, adjustment disorders and phobias.
If you’re wondering whether Reconsolidation Therapy ™ is right for you, please contact us to learn more.