Sleeping problems affect over 80% of patients with complex PTSD. Even a single traumatic event can create lifelong psychological trauma that impacts your body over time. Since lack of sleep can significantly impact your overall health, it’s crucial to get your sleep habits under control. Healthy sleep habits can reduce the symptoms of PTSD and …
Posttraumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disorder that occurs in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. While the term was commonly associated with veterans and active-duty military years ago, PTSD can occur in anyone. Recent studies show that PTSD affects approximately 3.5% of U.S. adults each year, with an estimated one in …
Is burnout real? Once only recognized as a workplace issue, burnout is a common problem impacting individuals from all walks of life today. In a technology-driven, overworked, touch-and-go world, juggling the demands of your work, home, family, and social life can be a challenge. Unfortunately, individuals are feeling the effects of today’s demands at faster …
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Aging Veterans and Post-traumatic Disorder Stress Symptoms Human development and degeneration pass through different stages. As people age, they are faced with numerous health conditions and diseases. One of the common conditions most aged people have is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. This is often associated with relapse in memory and flashback of happenings. Veterans with …
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Post-traumatic stress disorder is a chronic condition that may develop following exposure to a traumatic event, either through experiencing or witnessing it. PTSD is closely linked to other anxiety disorders, with its hallmark symptoms including re-experiencing the event, avoidance behaviours, changes in mood and cognitions, and increased arousal. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is a …
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There are a few things you must first consider when looking for the best online therapist for you. Although your perfect fit is out there, it may take some trial and error before you find the right match. Below are some helpful tips for how to find the right online therapist for you, or otherwise …
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Going to therapy or seeking out a counselor for mental health support can seem like a daunting task, but when all the possible benefits are added up together and contrasted with the potential downsides, the positives outweigh the negatives by a landslide. Although it can be frightening to have a new experience, trauma therapy, …
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PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by the experience of a traumatic event. It can have long-lasting effects and often results in functional impairments and disability, which may seriously affect one’s wellbeing and quality of life. In addition to experiencing PTSD symptoms, those suffering from the disorder may also experience PTSD …
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PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health disorder that can occur following experiencing a traumatic event. Symptoms often include anxiety and depression, avoidance behaviours, flashbacks and nightmares, irritability, distressing thoughts, and feeling emotionally numb. PTSD symptoms usually begin to present shortly after the traumatic event, however, the onset can be delayed. In Canada, …
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When it comes to mental health, there is too much misinformation out there. Below are 15 PTSD myths related to trauma, mental illness, and treatment that you need to know about. PTSD Myths # 1 – Only soldiers and war veterans get PTSD Although the history of PTSD is rooted in soldiers and shellshock, …
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